
Much Ado About Nothing

WP Mollom 0.7.3

Another month, a new release. I just tagged WP Mollom 0.7.3. It’s got the shortest changelog up to date, but the translations that are included make up for that.

  • fixed: multiple moderation would incorrectly state ‘moderation failed’ due to incorrect set boolean.
  • added: german (de_DE) translation
  • added: italian (it_IT) translation

Many thanks go out to Alexander Langer and Gianni Diurno for sending me their translations. With only 88 strings, translating the plugin doesn’t take that much time. So, If you could spare the time and you know your way around POEdit (or you’re willing to learn), just go out there and make this plugin easier to use for non-english speaking users of WordPress!

Of course, if you don’t use the plugin already: you can get it right here!